萨罗(戴夫·帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)和妹妹、哥哥以及母亲过着相依为命的生活,虽然贫穷艰辛,但一家人在一起相互扶持,日子过得依然温暖而又充满了欢乐。一次偶然中,萨罗同哥哥在火车站走散了,误打误撞之中,萨罗登上了一列开往加尔各答的火车,在那里,萨罗成为了露宿街头的流浪儿,并最终被送进了收容所。
荒凉的澳大利亚原野,一条笔直漫长的空旷公路,一对关系疏离的父子在路上。父亲凯文(雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving饰),一位暴戾而又邋遢的中年男人带着他十岁大的儿子楚克(汤姆·拉塞尔 Tom Russell饰)踏上了这条亡命之旅。为了逃避一起犯罪事件,凯文铤而走险地选择了负罪潜逃。置身澳大利亚寂寥...
From Hong Kong to Hollywood, the Shaw Brothers to The Matrix, martial arts in cinema has been busting box offices and breaking barriers since the 1960...
THE COFFEE MAN follows Sasa from Ethio ia, the birth lace of coffee to Seattle, Washington (USA), the home of the s ecialty coffee movement and host o...
Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a ca italist conce t and was not allowed during this e...