The atients and staff of a secluded heroin treatment center must do battle with more than their own demons as a mysterious killer begins icking them...
At the beginning of the Covid-19 andemic, Scott a 22-year-old blockbuster actor has to find a girl whom he has a strange connection with before it&am...
经典功夫喜剧系列电影《龙威小子》故事未完,YouTube Red 打造续集影集《Cobra Kai》正式预告上线。34 年前在《龙威小子2》展开世纪对决的丹尼尔与强尼,时隔多年将再度交手,当时饰演两人的雷夫·马奇欧(Ral h Macchio)与威廉·萨巴卡(Willi...