When a botched otions ex eriment leaves Mildred with a whole new look, can she com lete three im ossible challenges and reverse the s ell before the ...
又一部聚焦曼森杀人案的电影来了,希拉里·达芙将主演《难以忘怀的莎朗·塔特》(The Haunting of Sharon Tate),饰演莎朗·塔特。1969年8月9日,时为导演罗曼·波兰斯基妻子的塔特和4位朋友在比弗利山庄的豪宅中被杀人狂查尔斯·曼森和追随者残忍杀死,距离她分娩仅剩2周。塔特被捅了...
The first e isodes were shot in 1922 and found an end in 1944. Totally there are 221 single e isodes. A com lete catalog of all e isodes you will find...
Leslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an im rovement in their lives. The kid’s father is gone, she’s ready to hang u her cr...
加拿大CBC宣布预订11集新剧《Frankie Drake》。故事设定在上世纪二十年代(也就是加拿大历史上臭名昭著的华人移民禁令时期和反共时期),Lauren Lee Smith扮演多伦多唯一的女私人侦探,她专门承接警方不想办理也无力办理的案件。她知道如何运用自己的「女性资本」,但她并不总是在法律的...