The story follows a recent divorcee who spends her daily commute fantasizing about a seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passe...
Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward mea...
Showtime电视台正式宣布剧集《拉字至上:Q世代(Q The L Word: Generation Q )》获得续订,第三季一共10集,剧集运营依然由前两季的Marja-Lewis Ryan负责, 原作开创人Ilene Chaiken以及演员Jennifer Beals, Kate Moenni...
“甜茶”的姐姐宝琳·柴勒梅德将与蕾妮·拉普(音乐剧《贱女孩》)、阿姆瑞特?考尔、艾丽娅·C·斯科特领衔主演HBO Max喜剧《大年夜学女生的性福生活》(The Sex Lives Of College Girls,暂译),本剧由敏迪·卡灵出任制片人兼编剧,讲述几个出身、个性各不雷同的女孩在成为埃塞克...