《好女孩的反抗》改编自同名纪实文学,讲述70年代几位《每周新闻》(News of the Week)的女雇员挑战行业惯例,与公司男员工进行斗争,最终成为媒体行业第一拨发起性别歧视诉讼女性。这部剧集是一部类似《广告狂人》这样的时代剧。本剧主演包括《丧心病探》(Backstrom)女主角吉纳维芙·安吉尔...
The series is about a Customs Officer, Marcus Ashton (Ash) who is recruited to a new law enforcement team tasked with hunting down some of Britain&...
本作主人公是三只拟人化的熊,分别是热血灰熊Grizzly(埃里克·埃德尔斯坦 Eric Edelstein 配音),宅男熊猫 anda(鲍比·莫伊尼汉 Bobby Moynihan 配音),全能北极熊Ice Bear(迪米特利·马丁 Demetri Martin 配音)。三个熊兄弟一同住在森林的一个...
Ins ired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal. After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and...
Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns tha...